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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > Java > jQuery UI datepicker推广佛教时代(Datepicker是)

jQuery UI datepicker推广佛教时代(Datepicker是)

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Update 2012/01/24 Fix date ranges problem. 2011/07/01 add example to download section. If you got any issue please contact me at sorajate@gmail.com English This is extension for jquery-ui-datepicker to make it support support BE (buddhist era) Format Tested with jquery-ui-datepicker version 1.8.13 and jquery-1.6 Usage include this file after jquery and jquery-ui ( or jquery-ui-datepicker ) Extension Option (bool)isBE : true to enable BE era (bool)autoConversionField : true to auto create hidden input field to contains CE format Example