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  • 资源大小:2.40 MB
  • 上传时间:2021-06-30
  • 下载次数:0次
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  • 资源积分:1积分
  • 标      签: OntoUML

资 源 简 介

OntoUML Editor is a model-based graphical editor that supports the creation of conceptual models and domain ontologies in a philosophically and cognitively well-founded modeling language named OntoUML, which is based on the Unified Foundational Ontology (UFO). The editor is designed in a way that, on one hand, it shields the user from the complexity of the ontological principles underlying this language. On the other hand, it reinforces these principles in the produced models by providing a mechanism for automatic formal constraint verification, hence ensuring that the created models will be syntactically correct. Assessing the quality of conceptual models is key to ensure that conceptual models can be used effectively as a basis for understanding, agreement and construction of information systems. For this reason, the editor is also capable of automatic generation of model instances by transforming these models into specifications in the logic-based language 请点击左侧文件开始预览 !预览只提供20%的代码片段,完整代码需下载后查看 加载中 侵权举报

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