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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > Java > 提供一个框架,enabes Android视图控件对数据模型的结合。它有助于实现Android应用MVC或MVVM模式。

提供一个框架,enabes Android视图控件对数据模型的结合。它有助于实现Android应用MVC或MVVM模式。

资 源 简 介

Code migrated to GitHub I still not managed to re-do the documentation so for references please read here or in my blog. But development is on-going and please check the Github. What? Activity in Android environment is too overload. It act as the communication between android core system, to application flow control and also dealing with visual system. This project aims to provide a framework to enable data-binding between view widgets to separate data model. Idea basically sits on Windows WPF binding model, and help separation of MVC or MVVM easier in android development. Demo Application is Up in market, you can search "Android Binding Demo" in Market. Read Code project introduction article first! Latest News 5/6/2012 Code temp

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