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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > Java > 一个小部件,提供信息北京奥运会


资 源 简 介

A widget that consolidates information from several sources on the Beijing 2008 Olympics Current Status - A widget that gives the medal tally for the leading countries has been implemented. The above desktop Opera widget has been converted to an iGoogle Gadget The widget has been enhanced with the foll. features 1. A display for the current day"s medallists (after the olympics are over, it will display the medals won on the first day only, I may change this so that the user can specify which day he wants to see). A drill down feature that displays details of a particular countries performance at the games. The widget is hosted by Opera on widgets.opera.com by the name "TheMedal" This widget has also been ported to mobile devices running S60 3rd edition Feature Pack 2 with support for Web Runtime(WRT). The widget has been ported to Android. AJAX calls are implemented by a native layer that was built using

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