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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > Java > 关于在后启示录世界生物的跟踪学校项目。


资 源 简 介

JavaDoc with uml class diagrams embedded within them. Project website. Please find checkpoint-related wiki page [here](http://code.google.com/p/creatures-hunting/wiki/Description). This is simple JavaEE and Spring based application which uses various enterprise technologies (e.g. JPA). It serves only as an educational material. Done at PA165 at Masaryk University during autumn 2012. Our project is based on multimodule maven setup. In order to build it and test it you have to execute mvn clean test in the top-level project directory where reactor pom.xml file is present. It is recommanded to install the artifacts locally by mvn clean install. The current state of project consists of these modules: * creatures-bom - Maven"s Bill Of Materials. It simplifies dependen