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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > Java > MySQL数据生成器,免费的Apache DbUnit GUI,Apache DbUnit效用,Apache DbUnit数据进口商,出口商,MySQL数据库的清洁

MySQL数据生成器,免费的Apache DbUnit GUI,Apache DbUnit效用,Apache DbUnit数据进口商,出口商,MySQL数据库的清洁

资 源 简 介

A java Swing gui for Apache DBunit and a data generator to fill MySql 5.X databases with random data. Features list: - Clean all the database tables - Full database export as DBunit dataset - Partial database export selecting only the tables of your interest - Import in the database a DBunit dataset compliant with the database structure - Obtain informations about tables and know the right filling order that respect the Foreign Key constraints. - MySql Random data generator to fill a database. - Export the generated data as sql insert statements - Log4j logging system for debugging purpose Visit: http://iutility.blogspot.it/2012/11/my-datagenerator.html for more informations and details !!