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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > C# > 桌面应用程序,从您的泰德网关获取功率读数。查看本地和发送电源到一个网站的图表。


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The "Watch My TED" Desktop application gets power readings from your TED Gateway via the TED XML API. Power is charted in a desktop application per-second, per-minute, and per hour. You can configure this application to send per-minute power readings to the http://myenergyuse.appspot.com application. The source for this is found at http://code.google.com/p/myenergyuse/ Or you can send to any GAE application that will accept the meter readings (JSON formatted.) For example, you can publish your own private site, using "myenergyuse" as a template. The GAE application charts the power in several views. Per minute for the hour, per minute for the day, per 15-minute for the week, and monthly. Per second for the hour will be available soon. You may host these GAE charts within a Google Gadget on your iGoogle page. Source code for the desktop application (C#) is found right here, http://code.google.com/p/watchmyted/