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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > C/C++/VC++ > threads on the process used vc viewer's own Process Viewer and think that th...

threads on the process used vc viewer's own Process Viewer and think that th...

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关于进程&线程查看器 用过vc++自带的Process Viewer,觉得这个小程序简单易用,有时候作用还很大,我就产生了自己做一个类似程序的想法,想着想着就着手作了起来。  首先我查看了有关进程和线程的api函数(在tlhelp32.h中)了解了他们的用法。   具体实施阶段:    界面设计:该实用程序的界面几乎完全参考vc++自带的Process Viewer,以前从未接触-threads on the process used vc viewer"s own Process Viewer and think that this small program is easy to use, has great role Sometimes, I have done a similar proceedings to the idea of embarking on pondered made up. First I look at the relevant processes and threads api function (in tlhelp32.h) understanding of their usage. Specific implementation phase : interface design : The utility interface reference vc almost entirely onboard Process Viewer, never contacts

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