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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > C/C++/VC++ > C++ Primer的第三版结合了Stanley Lippman的实践经验和Josée Lajoie对于ANSI/ISO标准C++的深入理解。这本指导书的第三版...

C++ Primer的第三版结合了Stanley Lippman的实践经验和Josée Lajoie对于ANSI/ISO标准C++的深入理解。这本指导书的第三版...

  • 资源大小:238.20 kB
  • 上传时间:2021-06-29
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  • 标      签: 其他项目 c++

资 源 简 介

C++ Primer的第三版结合了Stanley Lippman的实践经验和Josée Lajoie对于ANSI/ISO标准C++的深入理解。这本指导书的第三版已经被重新改写过,以便更加精确地讲述标准C++的特性和用法。在本书中,对于C++初学者特别有价值的是一些来自真实世界中的程序例子,它们说明了泛型程序(generic program)的设计、面向对象程序的设计、模板的用法,以及使用标准C++进行程序设计的方方面面。而且,本书也在适当的地方讲到了一些习惯用法以及效率指导。-C Primer combination of the third edition of the Stanley Lippman had practical experience and Jose; for ANSI/ISO C standard in-depth understanding. This third edition of the guide book has been redrafted too, to be more precise description of the C standard features and usage. In the book, for C beginners particular value of some real-world examples of the procedures, they show Generic procedures (generic program) in the design, object-oriented design, the use of templates, and the use of standard C for all aspects of the design process. Moreover, the book was also the right place describes some of the efficiency and usage guide.

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