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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > C/C++/VC++ > 摩卡是一个用C++写的Linux和Windows的2D游戏库。


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Mocha Game Library Mocha is a C++ library for developing 2D games for both the Linux and Windows platforms. It attempts to provide the basic framework for creating games, wrapping platform-specific APIs like video and audio while providing useful tools and constructs like resource management. Moved to Launchpad Mocha is now hosted on Launchpad! Code hosted here at Google Code is obsolete. In fact, since moving to Launchpad, Mocha has essentially begun reimplementation, though the vision remains very much the same. This page will still be maintained, particularly for the wiki pages. Issues and source code will no longer be tracked here. Please note that the wiki pages are dated and probably inaccurate. They will eventually be updated. Planned Features Hardware accelerated 2D graphics Fast, arbitrary, real time transformations