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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > Java > 一个科学计算器和图形软件,java


资 源 简 介

JSciCalc is a Scientific Calculator cum Graph Software developed in Java. It provides a user-friendly interface, which is very similar to a hand-held scientific calculator. Trigonometric, exponential, and factorial functions are provided. Matrix operations like finding the inverse of a given matrix, and evaluating the determinant of a matrix are supported, along with the ability to find the solution of simulataneous linear equations. It also has the ability to draw the graph of a given function. Graphs of 3 types of functions can be drawn- y=f(x), x=f(y), and parametric curves x=f(t),y=g(t). Suitable help files are provided, along with Real-Time Help functionality, where the user can view the help in the main application itself, instead of manually checking out help. The interface has been developed in Swing, so the modern look and feel of the calculator is independent of the appearance of the system.

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