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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > Python > Python日志MITRE CEE事件加AMQP appender appender

Python日志MITRE CEE事件加AMQP appender appender

资 源 简 介

This little project is a CEE event generation test rig in Python that I threw together in my spare time. Two classes, ceeEvent and ceeFields allow the simple creation of Mitre CEE events in the Python logging subsystem. Also included are configuration instructions to listen to these events and transport them via AMQP as well as setup instructions for a logging backend chain comprised of RabbitMQ, logstash and ElasticSearch.

文 件 列 表

  • 睥睨 3小时前 成为了本站会员

  • ? 4小时前 成为了本站会员

  • IATWAY 1天前 成为了本站会员

  • 大智若愚 1天前 成为了本站会员

  • Mason 1天前 成为了本站会员

  • 1天前 成为了本站会员

  • Half_Punch 2天前 成为了本站会员

  • liqing71718 2天前 成为了本站会员

  • 伟国 2天前 成为了本站会员

  • songy 2天前 成为了本站会员
