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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > PHP > PHP库和命令行管理亚马逊网络服务事业


资 源 简 介

Summary PHP libraries and command-line utilities for managing Amazon Web Services, including EC2, S3, SimpleDB, and SQS. It will be some time before all of these services are handled by this project. Classes are written for PHP5 and generally try to follow PEAR-ish conventions for package names. I haven"t included "require_once" statements for including any dependent classes, as I typically make use of autoload in my projects. **Please note** that only the SQS library in included in version 0.1. SQS Usage Usage instructions are available on the wiki. Requirements The command-line "sqs" script found in /bin requires the Console\_CommandLine package from PEAR. The Services_Amazon_SQS package requires

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  • IATWAY 3小时前 成为了本站会员

  • 大智若愚 9小时前 成为了本站会员

  • Mason 12小时前 成为了本站会员

  • 12小时前 成为了本站会员

  • Half_Punch 1天前 成为了本站会员

  • liqing71718 1天前 成为了本站会员

  • 伟国 1天前 成为了本站会员

  • songy 1天前 成为了本站会员

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  • odd? 1天前 成为了本站会员
