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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > PHP > PHP为开源自助结账应用图书馆


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Summary This open source self-check is a GNU licensed web application written in php. It uses [John Wohler"s SIP2 php class](http://code.google.com/p/php-sip2/) to communicate with a library"s integrated library system (ILS), jquery for ajax calls and other javascript tricks, and mysql for (optional) transaction logging. It was designed to run on the Windows edition of Firefox Portable included in the download, which is set up with addons that start the self-check in fullscreen and trigger sounds on button clicks and is configured to suppress the printer dialog box (Firefox for OSX or Linux could likely be set up in the same way). For further details please see the installation documentation included with the download or submit an issue. [Watch a demo video](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCe6uPDkOTo) RFID My library"s iteration of the self-check has recently been updated to support Envisionware"s RFID

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