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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > 其他 > 快速删除VC,DELPHI的临时文件。此BAT文件可以在文件夹和驱动盘右键菜单中添加两个菜单项(Delete specified files和Delete sp...

快速删除VC,DELPHI的临时文件。此BAT文件可以在文件夹和驱动盘右键菜单中添加两个菜单项(Delete specified files和Delete sp...

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快速删除VC,DELPHI的临时文件。此BAT文件可以在文件夹和驱动盘右键菜单中添加两个菜单项(Delete specified files和Delete specified files extention setup我现在使用的是英文选项,您也可以进行修改),第一次使用时双击此BAT文件即可以完成右键功能的添加,以后您就可以方便地使用此菜单的功能了。注:您也可以添加其他可删除的文件扩展名。-deleted VC, Delphi"s temporary files. This BAT documents in folders and drives right menu to add two menu items (specified files and Delete Delete specified files extention setup I now use the English option, you can change), the first use of this double-click BAT document is to be completed by the right-add, after you can easily use this menu function. Note : You can also add other delete the file extensions.

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