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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > 其他 > OTSU方法计算图像二值化的自适应阈值,OTSU 算法可以说是自适应计算单阈值(用来转换灰度图像为二值图像)的简单高效方法。下面的代码最早由 Ryan Dibb...

OTSU方法计算图像二值化的自适应阈值,OTSU 算法可以说是自适应计算单阈值(用来转换灰度图像为二值图像)的简单高效方法。下面的代码最早由 Ryan Dibb...

资 源 简 介

OTSU方法计算图像二值化的自适应阈值,OTSU 算法可以说是自适应计算单阈值(用来转换灰度图像为二值图像)的简单高效方法。下面的代码最早由 Ryan Dibble提供,此后经过多人Joerg.Schulenburg, R.Z.Liu 等修改,补正。算法对输入的灰度图像的直方图进行分析,将直方图分成两个部分,使得两部分之间的距离最大。划分点就是求得的阈值。都是老外写的,经典哦。-OTSU images calculated value of the two adaptive threshold, OTSU algorithm can be calculated adaptive threshold (for conversion to gray scale images binary images), a simple and efficient manner. The following code from the earliest to provide Ryan Dibble, after a more than Joerg.Schulenburg, R. Z. Liu amend the correction. Algorithm for the importation of gray-scale image histogram analysis of histogram is divided into two parts, Part 2 makes the distance between the largest. Demarcation point out the threshold. Foreigners are written in the classical oh.

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