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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > 其他 > 状态图实际上是一类问题的抽象表示。事实上,有许多智力问题(如梵塔问题、旅行商问题、八皇后问题、农夫过河问题等)和实际问题(如路径规划、定理证明、演绎推理、机器人...


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  • 标      签: 软件系统 ppt

资 源 简 介

状态图实际上是一类问题的抽象表示。事实上,有许多智力问题(如梵塔问题、旅行商问题、八皇后问题、农夫过河问题等)和实际问题(如路径规划、定理证明、演绎推理、机器人行动规划等)都可以归结为在某一状态图中寻找目标或路径的问题。因此,研究状态图搜索具有普遍意义。 -State diagram is actually a class of abstract representation of the problem. In fact, there are many mental problems (such as the Hanoi Tower problem, traveling salesman problem, the eight queens problem, the farmer across the river and so on) and the actual problems (such as path planning, theorem proving, deductive reasoning, robot action planning, etc.) can be attributed to in a state diagram for the target or the path to find the problem. Therefore, the study state diagram search of universal significance.

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第3章 图搜索技术091028-1102-1104-1109.ppt
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