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Project is moving to https://github.com/TomSmartBishop/facile-api The Facile API The Facile API is capable of reading (decompiling) .Net assemblies. Covering the metadata tables, the embedded types and methods, including their bodies as CIL (bytecode). Background Initially the Facile API has been written to perform analysis of .Net assemblies, independet of the authoring .Net language. Support Please make a donation if you like it: [![](https://www.paypalobjects.com/enUS/i/btn/btndonateCCLG.gif)](https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=s-xclick&hostedbuttonid=4XAU6DKYLW7VA) Code Sample ``` try { //specify a path, where to find the assembly String assemblyName = "mscorlib.dll"; String assemblyLocation = "../path/to/assembly/" + assemblyName; //reflect and load the assembly using the Facile factory Assembly assembly = Facile.