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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > 其他 > 图书馆创建移动阅读设备文件。


资 源 简 介

Creating .epub files from your csharp or dotNet application What library does is get a list of html/xhtml files, convert them to xhtml, download all referenced images and crate an .epub archive. So if you want to create a book from pdf, from msword or txt files you should convert the contents to a list of html files and then use the library on them. Usage example: using(var f = File.Create("test.epub"))using(var book = new Book(f){Title = "The sample book"}){ book.Authors = new List(){{"The Book Author"}}; book.AddChapter(new StreamReader(File.OpenRead("2004-06-13-10-56.html")), "2004-06-13-10-56.html",OnImageLoading); book.AddChapter(new StreamReader(File.OpenRead("section39.xhtml")), "section39.xhtml", OnImageLoading);} where you should have method OnImageLoading defined. You might want images to be taken from your local harddriv

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