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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > 其他 > jQuery插件:创建表格、列表、组合框、UL / OL,使用来自服务器的数据的div

jQuery插件:创建表格、列表、组合框、UL / OL,使用来自服务器的数据的div

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imList is a JQuery plugin that began as a way to ajaxally create html tables using JQuery. After creating the table plugin, I realized that I could apply much of the same functionality to any type of list that is displayed on a web page, to include: ul/ol, comboboxes, lists, and divs. The power of this plugin is it’s regular expression functionality that will allow developers to display anything they wish within a list. I have also built in a delete row capability that can, not only delete the row that is displayed on the web page, but also allow the developer to delete the record from the server (ajaxally, of course). Documentation for this plugin can be found at: http://grasshopperpebbles.com/ajax/jquery-plugin-imlist/ To view demos, go to: http://grasshopperpebbles.com/demos/