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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > 其他 > 通过提供更快的乘法运算改进BigInteger。


资 源 简 介

This project is a copy of standart BigInteger class with serious improvements in multiplication algorithm. The goal of the project was to provide more efficient big numbers multiplication algorithm instead of so called "school algorithm" in original implementation. Here you can find: * Karatsuba multiplication * Toom-Cook 3-way multiplication * Multiplication that uses Fast Hartley Transform Description of work and short presentation of results on Russian can be found in downloads section or here: http://bignumberslibrary.googlecode.com/files/BigNumbers.ppt http://bignumberslibrary.googlecode.com/files/Diploma.docx Note: original BigInteger class was truncutted to get rid of some unimportant to multiplication dependencies.