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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > 其他 > 一个苹果操作系统的应用程序,用于显示和维护剪贴板


资 源 简 介

ScrapYard is a Mac OS X application for displaying and maintaining the clipboard. The project is in the very early stages of development and just barely merits being checked in as a backup precaution. At present, the app merely displays an outline of the contents of the clipboard. The intended audience is power users and developers. Important future directions include: * user experience mere mortals will enjoy * the ability to remove and/or create items and/or flavors * exposing the clipboard to the network * viewers for clipboard flavors

文 件 列 表

  • IATWAY 1天前 成为了本站会员

  • 大智若愚 1天前 成为了本站会员

  • Mason 1天前 成为了本站会员

  • 1天前 成为了本站会员

  • Half_Punch 2天前 成为了本站会员

  • liqing71718 2天前 成为了本站会员

  • 伟国 2天前 成为了本站会员

  • songy 2天前 成为了本站会员

  • 纯色幽默 2天前 成为了本站会员

  • odd? 2天前 成为了本站会员
