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Flash plug

  • 资源大小:1.84 kB
  • 上传时间:2021-06-30
  • 下载次数:0次
  • 浏览次数:0次
  • 资源积分:1积分
  • 标      签: WebSite javascript

资 源 简 介

Flash Layer层创建插件 在工作中经常会有许多需要重复的操作,比如我在经常制作FLASH的时候,会经常在主timeline上建一个放label的label层和放script的actionscript层,如果天天要做FLASH的话,大家一般会不停的点新建图层并重命名,为了方便以后的工作,我写了一个JSFL插件,只需要运行这个命令,在FLASH的时间轴上就会自动创建一个label层与actionscript层 另外在这个包中我也放入了另一个JSFL,用于创建一个MC按钮.有时候我们希望使用MC制作更炫的按钮效果,这个JSFL帮助我们在MC中建立二个图层,label层上包含用于MC按钮用的idle,over,out,click等状态,script中有每个状态的stop帧 -Flash plug-in layer to create the work, there is often a need to repeat many of the operations, For instance, the regular production of the Flash, often in the main timeline of building up a label and the label-up of a script ctionscript layer, if FLASH every day to do so, We generally tend to point rename the new layer, in order to facilitate the future work, I wrote a plugin JSFL only need to run this command, FLASH in the time frame will automatically create a label layer and another layer actionscript The external packet I also Add another JSFL. MC used to create a button. Sometimes we wanted to use the MC production Gengxuan butt

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