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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > 其他 > 本书介绍了在Microsoft Windows 98、Microsoft Windows NT 4.0和Windows NT 5.0下程序写作的方法。这些程序用...

本书介绍了在Microsoft Windows 98、Microsoft Windows NT 4.0和Windows NT 5.0下程序写作的方法。这些程序用...

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  • 上传时间:2021-06-30
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  • 标      签: 电子书

资 源 简 介

本书介绍了在Microsoft Windows 98、Microsoft Windows NT 4.0和Windows NT 5.0下程序写作的方法。这些程序用C语言编写并使用原始的Windows Application Programming Interface(API)。如在本章稍后所讨论的,这不是写作Windows程序的唯一方法。然而,无论最终您使用什么方式写作程序,了解Windows API都是非常重要的。-Introduction of the book in Microsoft Windows 98, Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 and Windows NT 5.0 under the process writing approach. These procedures used C language and use the original Windows Application Programming Interface (API). Such as discussed later in this chapter, and it is not writing the only way to Windows program. However, no matter what way you use eventually writing procedures, know Windows API are very important.

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