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  • 资源大小:3.29 kB
  • 上传时间:2021-06-30
  • 下载次数:0次
  • 浏览次数:0次
  • 资源积分:1积分
  • 标      签: SCM asm

资 源 简 介

奉上刚做好的测温小制作--基于DS18B20传感器 今个学期刚学了单片机,学期末的时候老师要求每个人都做个有关单片机应用的小制作,而我的作品就是这个。DS18B20挺好用的,功能很强(我用到的只是最简单的)。可惜现在没时间(要考试!),等下吧,考完后我再努力将这个小制作的功能加强,特别是想做到能自动识别传感器ID号的功能。 我知道有很多人都对DS18B20很感兴趣,借此奉上源代码,实物我已经做好了,测温很稳定。希望对大家有帮助。-Thermometry of small production-- DS18B20 sensor based on this semester just learning the microcontroller, the end of the teacher asked each one of the SCM application to be a small production, and I was in the works. DS18B20 very good use, and highly functional (I use only the most simple). Unfortunately, there is no time (to test!) , And so are you, I again after taking the efforts of the small production of functional strengthened, in particular to achieve recognition sensor can automatically ID function. I know that many people are very interested in right DS18B20 to enclose the source code, in-kind I have done well, very stable temperature measurement. We want to help.

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