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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > ASP > 用于开发网络应用程序的框架


资 源 简 介

Abstract Joopl! The grand unified theory in action... It should have been thougt-of years ago. Why do we all have to learn several different component languages to develop for the web? If we are to believe the Web 2.0 buzz, the web has become a platform itself. If the web is a platform, then a single comprehensive language should exist to create applications for it. In other words, a language that will interface with the existing client-side and server-side languages, and create not a “web-site” but a “web-application”. Joopl! is planned to be an XML-based Framework language that allows you to write one set of mark-up to create a web-application. Its not a difficult proposition. Conceptually this is easily grasped. While dozens of useful frameworks exist to “ease the development” of applications, they still require a working knowledge of multiple languages. Joopl! intends to work on the concept of the developer using a single "modular&