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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > ASP > 本文讲述了linux操作系统下网络编程的相关步骤。  Linux的源码里,网络接口的实现部份是非常值得一读的,通过读源码,不仅对网络协议会有更深的了解,也有...

本文讲述了linux操作系统下网络编程的相关步骤。  Linux的源码里,网络接口的实现部份是非常值得一读的,通过读源码,不仅对网络协议会有更深的了解,也有...

资 源 简 介

本文讲述了linux操作系统下网络编程的相关步骤。  Linux的源码里,网络接口的实现部份是非常值得一读的,通过读源码,不仅对网络协议会有更深的了解,也有助于在网络编程的时候,对应用函数有更精确的了解和把握。   本文把重点放在网络接口程序的总体结构上,希望能作为读源码时一些指导性的文字。 -This article describes network programming under linux operating system of the relevant steps. Linux source code, the network interface to achieve most of it is very worth reading, by reading the source, not only on the network will have a deeper understanding of the agreement, will also help in network programming when the application has a more precise function understanding and grasp. This article focused on the network interface on the overall structure of the procedure, hoping for some guidance when reading source code of the text.

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